Our Discover page is a free feature where you can get the attention of bidders from around the world. Auctions listed publicly on our Discover page can be bid on by any bidder who has a CharityAuctionsToday account. Opening your auction to the public can help you reach more bidders, boosting how much your auction raises.
How to Add Your Auction to the Discover page:
Step 1) Please set your auction as Public by going to your “Auction” > “Home” > “Show your event in our Public Marketplace” > Move the toggle button to the right
Step 2) To turn on this feature your auction needs to be Live and out of test mode. To verify if the auction is Live, please go to your “Auction” > “Home” > Toggle the Test mode button to the right.
Once the auction is Live, the test mode button will no longer be visible.
Step 3) To be included on the Discover page, please upload a banner and image(s) for each item.
Please Note: Once all criteria are met, the auction will be reviewed and added to the Discover page or you may reach out to our support team via chat, email, or call for your auction to be added to the Discover page.
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