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How To Navigate Your Auction Admin Homepage on CharityAuctionsToday

How to Enable, Disable, or Delay Credit Card Charge feature

If you decide to activate the auto-charge feature*, you have the option to delay charging the credit cards of your bidders on file. This option is perfect if you have multiple time blocks scheduled. Credit card payments will only be processed after the final time block.

Step 1) Go to “Event Settings” > “Auction Set up

Step 2) Make sure to have the “Pre-Register Bidder Credit Cards” and “Automatic Credit Card Charge” features activated so you can turn on the “Delay Credit Card Charge” option.

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*Note: Please reach out to the customer specialist team to enable the Auto-charge feature.

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Thank you for choosing CharityAuctionsToday to power your fundraising initiatives. Together, we can create positive change and support meaningful causes. Happy fundraising!

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