Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to raise money for your school, library, or organization? Look no further than a read-a-thon fundraiser! A read-a-thon is a reading marathon where participants set a reading goal and collect pledges or donations for every...
For nearly 20 years, CharityAuctionsToday has helped nonprofits and charities to raise more with less, expand their reach, and host successful events year after year. We strive to serve nonprofits and charitable causes that have limited resources and manpower. The...
Every little bit helps, right? So even if you have other means of fundraising—online auctions, a donation page on your site, etc.—the simplicity of a donation jar can be a great supplement. Maybe you aren’t an organization but simply an office or classroom looking to...
At CharityAuctionsToday we have nearly 20 years’ experience helping small nonprofits achieve their fundraising goals. So, although there are Black-led organizations of all sizes and missions around the country and the world, we’d like to focus on SMB nonprofits; the...
by Hadija, UnsplashSince the surge in donations that most nonprofits saw during the 2020 pandemic, the nonprofit world has been paying close attention to donor and organizational trends. Would that surge continue or drift back down to pre-pandemic levels? Had the ways...