How to Promote Your Fundraiser

How to Promote Your Fundraiser

The Easiest And Most Effective Ways To Attract Event Participants You’re championing a cause you’re passionate about. You’ve formed a committee and planned meticulously. Now all you need to do is get lots of people to attend. You’ll definitely want to leverage social...
How to Run a Silent Auction Fundraiser

How to Run a Silent Auction Fundraiser

When considering how to run a silent auction fundraiser, it’s essential to recognize that it has many moving parts. We suggest you use the following eight guidelines that are the critical steps toward your auction’s success. Of course, you’ll add personalized steps to...
It Takes Money to Make Money

It Takes Money to Make Money

We’ve all heard the old adageit takes money to make money, right?But is it true? There’s probably some truth to it, but you can make money from scratch if you are willing to put in the elbow grease. Every fundraiser faces hurdles.We offer software for a fee, but you...


What integrations do you need?It’s a great day when you test the CharityAuctionsToday platform and love it. It’s quite satisfying to find software that is not only easy to use but robust, too.But there is one more step in the process—will...