Make Easy Money With an Online Garage Sale If you made a pros and cons list of an online garage sale vs a traditional garage sale, the list of pros for an online garage sale would be exponentially longer. While each type of garage sale garners the same result—sales,...
When considering how to set up an online auction, there are many steps. Two important steps include the actual set up of your online auction site, and the second is the logistics behind the preparation for success, such as asking for donations, promoting your auction,...
Goodbye Amazon Smile; Hello CharityAuctionsToday A new nonprofit fundraising strategy is in store for thousands after being blind-sighted by Amazon’s sudden closure of its charity fundraising program.Nonprofits received the news via email on January 18, 2023, that...
If you have trepidation about not having any online auction ideas for your group or organization to use an online auction platform for fundraising, please enjoy our story of how a herd of elephants inspired a herd of retired women to use CharityAuctionsToday’s online...
Whether you are looking to raise money for an organization, sell some valuable items, or purchase a car…there are numerous online outlets to help you do all of that, and more. We have collected twenty of the most talked-about auction sites across the globe, from...