DOWNLOAD The Auction Profit Blueprint
The 4 tools BIG organizations use every time to skyrocket auction profits!
The Step-By-Step Guide to stop leaving thousands on the table.
Design skills aren’t everyone’s forte, so we’ve created a clean-cut fundraiser flier that you can customize for your event. Download it now and find other flyer ideas on our blog post on the topic.
There are many aspects to promoting a fundraiser. We know it’s difficult to keep track of all the moving parts: your website, social media, emails. Sometimes the old-fashioned ways get lost in the shuffle.
Fundraiser fliers can be printed off and posted at local libraries, community boards, and displayed by local businesses. They can be mailed to your donor pool or even stapled to telephone poles. Getting the word out about your event is what really matters: use every tool at your disposal.
Benefit flier templates can help you expand your reach without breaking the bank.
Fliers aren’t just for printing out. You can also post them on social media, email them, and make them downloadable on your organization’s website, so other folks can help you spread the word. A clean and coherent flier template can be a powerful tool that delivers the pertinent information in an eye-catching package.
Yep! Designing a flier is hard so we made this template just for you.
Make sure that your fundraiser flier includes:
We ask for your information in exchange for a valuable resource in order to (a) improve your browsing experience by personalizing our site to your needs; (b) send information to you that we think may be of interest to you by email or other means; (c) send you marketing communications that we think may be of value to you. You can read more in our privacy policy.
Start by downloading our template and filling out the important details: when, where, who (will it benefit and who’s running it), and how (to buy tickets or participate). Then, copy and paste in any images that might be relevant (of your organization’s logo, local celebrities taking part, or the logo of businesses that are supporting the fundraiser). Make sure they aren’t too big or distracting from the overall message: “Come help us raise some dough!”
Use our samples and templates to boost your fundraising efforts and strengthen your work. Make your organization a powerhouse for change.
DOWNLOAD The Auction Profit Blueprint
The 4 tools BIG organizations use every time to skyrocket auction profits!
The Step-By-Step Guide to stop leaving thousands on the table.