Add/Remove Auction Stats from Auction Page

Knowledge Base > General FAQ’s > Auction How-To’s > Bidding FAQ’s > Add/Remove Auction Stats from Auction Page

in Auction How-To’sBidding FAQ’sGeneral FAQ’s

Follow these steps to add or remove auction stats from your main auction page:

Step 1) Click ‘Auctions,’ then ‘Manage Auctions.’

A25D7262 5683 46B3 A79C 29AEAD6852A9 4 5005 c

Step 2) Click on the name of your auction.

6FE95A65 F2D1 4538 8061 4A91642D1F3D 4 5005 c

Step 3) From your auction’s Dashboard, click ‘Design Event.’

4A4242D2 D604 4B3C 92B2 0335421E1644 4 5005 c


Step 4) Click ‘Page Features.’

61E2FFA6 8C8A 4D72 B7DB 22CF7DACBB18 4 5005 c

Step 5) Check/uncheck the box next to ‘Auction Stats.’ Then click ‘Save changes.’