Upload Items In Bulk

Follow these steps to add multiple items to your auction at once:

Step 1) Select the name of your auction under “Manage Events

Step 2) Click on “Add/ Edit Items” then “Upload Items in bulk.

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 Step 3) Download the sample file. 

QFHE5z8KSCjW2cZ aHdCxxHilDLodC0jQMIc6882o81vkn0BwmKuLhWTZDQ7Zlt QT7bGTvQDI2TEIr 6L4PhEnPZxRu3dlu0o atmaVjAHKhnjBTFfPI7r0YRU ukT7yfO5sMVanTasiz KqvXjuKM

 Step 4) You will now be prompted to upload your items.  To do this, you may drag the filled-out sample file or click the box to upload the file. Once the file is uploaded, please click Next. For your items to upload correctly, do not delete, rearrange, or rename any of the columns.

XCjm80jcSQAD4HPHyfNY7 Rasy8zhFJijLYCNCMPmI5AWwPThPAOLEEzurtGG lLU 5pvggAGVVw6DnFdzBsMkitNR s9aV LXOo7HhmcqHbyOJwH8Vi VrngD epmEMqZHIrVptSoZ G1k8vh739aU

Step 5) Please match your data headers by clicking the drop-down and selecting the corresponding information to the data headers.

pjwUBECgF a3S0IPkve4pIssV4LB3

Step 6) Please verify all information is correct. Once verified, please click “Continue.” 


Step 7) A message will be displayed on the screen and indicate how many items were uploaded. To view the items uploaded, please click “View All Items.


You may also watch this video on how to upload items in bulk:

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