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Learn how to raise money by hosting an online garage sale. CharityAuctionsToday can help you boost your fundraising with this unique idea.
If you made a pros and cons list of an online garage sale vs a traditional garage sale, the list of pros for an online garage sale would be exponentially longer. While each type of garage sale garners the same result—sales, the online garage sale is hands down easier to prepare and manage than its fraternal twin, the good, old Saturday garage sale.
Having an online garage sale is popular these days. They’re a fun and smart way to make easy money conveniently, selling no longer-needed items piling up in your house and garage. In addition to being fun and smart, there’s a garage full of reasons to switch to a virtual garage sale.
Creating many signs to place throughout the neighborhood to lure thrifty shoppers—at the crack of dawn—is often the least favorite thing about having a live garage sale. Not only do you have to have a stash of Sharpies and posterboard to make them, you have to put them up in high-trafficked areas. Plus, you must also be a good community steward and remove the signs when the sale ends. By having an online garage sale, you trade making and hanging signs for social media posts. Easier, right? No more getting up before dawn to place signs! Plus, you reach a much larger audience with social media, meaning more people will peruse your online garage sale items at their convenience. A virtual garage sale is easier for you and the thrifty buyers!
If you’ve had garage sales at your home before, you know the drill: get up before dawn to tag, sort, and arrange every item in an easy-to-browse fashion, have more change on hand than a bank, remember the plastic bags, be prepared for those thrifty door-busters who arrive an hour early, put on your haggling chops, and pray for a sunny day! That’s a long list, one that can be easily eliminated with an online rummage sale.
Nothing makes your blood pressure rise as fast as rain on your garage sale day. Do you get out the umbrella or reschedule? Rain is NEVER an issue with an online garage sale, in fact it could garner more traffic because people tend to stay home more when the weather is uncooperative. Plenty of time for browsing your cache of items for sale. Plus, who says your virtual garage sale has to be one day? With an online garage sale, it can last for weeks until every last item is sold.
Even if you decide to go through with the live garage sale despite the rain, there will be fewer people attending. This typically means you will not sell all your stuff, and you’ll need to find space to store it. Or give it away for free and lose money, or plan another live garage sale on a sunnier day. Wouldn’t an online garage sale that is rain agnostic be a better option?
Yep, the weather will never be an issue for an online garage sale. The digital equivalence to weather ruining a live garage sale is having a buyer’s internet connection stutter or stop for a few seconds, which is really not an issue at all.
The good news about that is, barring a catastrophic event such as a tsunami, Mother Earth has no bearing on the success of your online garage sale. If your internet goes down, you may have to reboot your router, and your online garage sale will be back online in a few seconds unless you didn’t pay your internet bill! Even if thrifty buyers brave the rain to rummage through all your deals, it still means your garage sale results will be spotty at best.
While having a garage sale, have you ever had a snoopy shopper start looking at items in your garage, such as your mower, prized bicycle, or even your car? With an online garage sale, you’ll never have to shoo away an errant shopper.
Yep, you can finally get rid of your JNCO jeans, Heelys from high school, and your husband’s annoying, wall-mounted Billy Bass singing, flapping fish. But beware of the idiom, “turnabout is fair play,” as you might find your Dr. Martens walking away on someone else’s feet!
CharityAuctionsToday has enjoyed serving fundraising auctions for thousands of nonprofits and schools over the years. People also use the software to hold online garage sales. CharityAuctionsToday’s platform makes creating an auction a breeze—and an online garage sale even breezier!
These nine top categories provide plenty of ideas for your next virtual garage sale:
A funny story told by one of our users involves a parent of a tween selling the tween’s new-ish and pricey but rarely-used bike at their yard sale. Three years later, the tween, now a full-fledged teen, reported to her mom that her bike had been stolen. Three years!
6 Good luck, but you can try to convince your spouse or special person to sell his or her beer stein collection that has been growing since high school.
7. You’ve replaced your old sporting equipment over the years—time to sell the Bobby Riggs tennis racquet and Ben Hogan beginner golf clubs, right? And those old bikes—a size for every age and ability takes up a lot of garage space. Who will ever ride them?
8. Considering redecorating a room or rooms? Cha-ching! Sell that old stuff that you used to think was cool, like paintings on velvet. You might make enough to get your popcorn ceilings removed!!
9. Sure, you could donate dated stuff taking up real estate in your home to a nonprofit thrift store or even toss them, but why not make money on your aging treasures? What’s the adage, “Your junk is someone else’s treasure?”
Anyone who has items they no longer need should consider an online yard sale. This includes people who are decluttering their homes, moving, or simply trying to make some extra money.
Psychology Today says it well, “Clear your home, clear your mind. Decluttering increases self-worth, creates healthy habits, and boosts productivity. A clean and tidy home can also improve sleep, boost mood, and promote relaxation.”
If you’re an empty nester, you’re a prime candidates to have an online garage sale. When the kids move out, they tend to leave heaps of unwanted items behind for their understanding parents to manage. And the understanding parents can pocket the money made at the virtual garage sale!
Graduating college students have much to look forward in their next chapter of life. Having an online garage sale helps them begin their new lives with money in their pockets.
Online garage sales are easy to manage, which is a huge reason businesses choose them to eliminate no longer needed equipment and merchandise. Businesses can benefit more than most online garage sale factions.
Most businesses, being open for the better part of a day, have staff who manage handing-off sold items to buyers, with little effort. Often businesses move locations and have excess furniture and computer equipment, or redecorate and need to get rid of furniture and other items that no longer represent the new decor.
Some businesses find themselves with excess or dated merchandise that can be easily sold via an online garage sale. Why throw unwanted items away when you can make a lot of money selling them? We know one company that uses the money made from their online garage sale to host an annual company party!
Online garage sales are a great way to get rid of unwanted items quickly and easily. You can literally make money in your sleep! Seriously, you can make money easily and have fun doing it.
You didn’t ask for our advice, butCharityAuctionsToday’s platform can accommodate hundreds of items. Social media users’ attention spans are limited as they aren’t online specifically to shop, whereas an online garage sale platform is visited with the intention to buy. Something to consider.
There are many reasons why you might choose to have a digital garage sale instead of an in-person one. Here are several of the most common reasons:
If you’re looking for a convenient, easy, safe, and affordable way to sell your unwanted items, an online garage sale is a great option.
Online garage sales are a great way to score extra cash and perhaps assist in raising money for a large item such as a new roof, a ski boat, or an AC unit. Here are a few of the most important reasons a virtual garage sale is a great way to earn extra cash:
An online garage sale does more than put money in the bank. Even if you’re only seeking a windfall, there are peripheral benefits to enjoy such as helping declutter your home, getting the whole family involved and communicating, and providing an opportunity to say hello to neighbors and friends.
Here are some tips on how to promote an online garage sale:
There are a few ways to get sold items to new owners in an online garage sale. Here are a few common methods:
Once you agree on a delivery method, communicate with the buyer and coordinate the details. It’s also a good idea to get a tracking number for any shipped items, so you can track the package and make sure it arrives safely.
Please pay great attention to the following personal safety tips for when a buyer from your virtual garage sale comes to your house, work, or confirmed public location to pick up their items. Little did we know in kindergarten that stranger danger would be just as pertinent, if not more, when we grew up.
CharityAuctionsToday is a little pushy about safety. Please be careful in all of your interactions pertaining to the sale of your items during your online garage sale.
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