gavel resting on a book on top of a bed of cash

We’re thrilled to be able to offer raffle software to nonprofits and charities. Raffles can be a powerful fundraising tool, especially when combined with auctions and other fundraising tactics. However, some states actually prohibit raffles: they consider them “games of chance,” similar to lotteries or in the same category as gambling. 

Each state has its own raffle laws, some don’t outright outlaw raffles but they do have strict guidelines for them. For example, some only allow charitable raffles. Some of the links below even lead to nifty quizzes, so you can more easily tell if your organization qualifies to run a charitable raffle in your state.

It’s up to you to check your state’s raffle laws before using online raffle tools. Keep in mind that laws are changing all the time. In fact, a few states (like Pennsylvania) that used to prohibit raffles legalized charitable and/or virtual raffles during the pandemic, when in-person gatherings weren’t safe and many industries and organizations were in financial trouble due to shutdowns.

We’re happy to provide some links that can help jumpstart your research on your state’s raffle laws, but please note that this post is not legal advice. The notations below are not guarantees of raffle legality or illegality in each respective state. If you’re uncertain about raffle laws and regulations in your area, you should consult a lawyer.

Alabama – All raffles prohibited

Arkansas – Online raffle prohibited

California – Online raffle prohibited

New Mexico – Online raffle prohibited

Indiana – Online raffle prohibited

Kansas – Online raffles prohibited

Texas – Online raffles prohibited

Utah – All raffles prohibited

Washington – Online raffles prohibited

West Virginia – Restricts online raffles to in-state admins and players only

Minnesota – Online raffles prohibited

Wisconsin – Online raffle prohibited

Some important notes:

Not only are there state regulations but sometimes county and city raffle laws as well. Only your organization is responsible for your legal compliance with raffle regulations in your state and locality. If you’re at all unsure about raffle regulations in your area, we strongly recommend you seek guidance from legal counsel and your state attorney general’s office.

Please note that raffles may only be run on our site by qualified organizations. In other words, raffles to benefit personal causes are not allowed under any circumstances. All Terms of Service, including the roles and responsibilities of all parties, are defined in CharityAuctionsToday’s Terms of Service.

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